On March 6th, the senior Dean's Scholars were invited by Dean Campbell to join her and Tisch faculty members at a cocktail reception spotlighting the Talent Identification Process at the Tisch School of the Arts. The event was held at the beautiful Fisher Hillman Studio at BAM, and high school arts administrators from all over New York were invited.
The Talent Identification Process is a process by which the Tisch School of the Arts seeks out high school students from all over the country who have excelled in the arts, but who may not have the financial means to attend Tisch.

On Sunday, we went on a tour of the United States Holocaust Museum, which was followed by a fascinating lecture from the curator of the museum. From there, we travelled over to Georgetown, where we were let loose for a few hours to roam the area. Nicole and I explored a few wonderful, small bookstores in the Georgetown area (I made some great purchases - old, paperback versions of Scorsese on Scorsese by David Thomson and Major Barbara by George Bernard Shaw). The group joined back together at Serendipity, where we snacked on some delicious food. From there, we walked to the Kennedy Center, where we saw a performance of the popular mystery comedy Shear Madness, which was a lot of fun.
Before the performance, we ventured through the various floors of the Kennedy Center (I admit to spending perhaps too much time at the Lego-building station on the top floor, where Nicole and I created behemoth Lego figures that consistently toppled over and shattered to pieces). After the performance of Shear Madness, we explored the George Washington University area, which I hadn't visited in years, and then had a late dinner at a restaurant that I'm not completely certain was ready to serve all twenty of us.
On Monday, we went on a tour of the United States Capitol, which was really something else. Although I've visited Washington a few times, I had never visited many of these historic buildings, so I was very happy to be a bit of a tourist. After some quality time at the Capitol, we headed back to the Westin to pack our things, and then we were off to Union Station to return to Manhattan.
After a fantastic sixth day of shooting my advanced film You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory, the Tisch Dean's Scholars had an amazing talk with Mr. Hoffman. I asked Mr. Hoffman about what kind of adjustments are most helpful for him in between takes on a film set, and his answers to all of our questions - ranging from his working relationship with director Paul Thomas Anderson to his days as a student at NYU - were really honest and helpful for our group of young artists. His candid talk with us was one of the highlights of the past four years.
Alas, all things must come to an end, and on Monday, May 13th, there was a final dinner for the graduating Dean's Scholars at the House on 17th Street. It was very sad to say goodbye to the wonderful heads of the program, who have done so much for us - Anita Gupta, Jessica Smith, Jean Chen-Villalba and Chris Chan Roberson - and it felt significant saying goodbye, since we can more or less call ourselves the founding class of the program. It's amazing to think about the number of extraordinary plays on Broadway, discussions with brilliant alumni, dinners at amazing restaurants, dance performances, baseball games and events all over the city that this group allowed us to experience. More than that, though, if it wasn't for this program, I wouldn't have been able to go to NYU at all.
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