My beloved aunt, Nancy Neff, passed away on Sunday. This is an extended version of what I read today at her funeral. Please read her obituary, which only hints at her extraordinary life and work, here. I hope this is the first of many pieces where I write about my love for her.
I spent many days with Nancy at her office at the University
of Texas, taking trips to the LBJ Library with her, and it became clear early
on what a brilliant journalist and writer she was. In fact, I used to send
movie reviews, as I recall, to Nancy every once and a while, and she came up
with the idea to set up an interview for me at the West Austin News, to see if
they’d be interested in hiring an eleven year-old film critic. And she was
entirely responsible for me getting that job, really. She was there with me at
the interview.
To say that she encouraged my engagement with the arts would
be an understatement. You only have to walk through her beautiful West Austin
house and observe the framed posters of Broadway plays, the incredible
paintings and pieces of folk art, the spinning racks of New Yorker magazines,
the organized collection of films and CDs that numbers well into the thousands,
to get a sense of how she influenced me. As a child, that house was my
playground. Walking into it now, I feel an overwhelming sadness, knowing that
it will have to go.
At some point, it became clear to me that Nancy was of a
different political persuasion than most of the others in the Neff family.
Nancy was a lifelong, very passionate supporter of the Democratic party, and if
she was outspoken about it, it was only because she was outnumbered in her
family. So she was very happy when I joined the club at some point during my
high school years. I think she was always proud to know that she had a fellow
Democrat in the family. And, you know, I can only hope that, this November, a
member of the Neff family is willing to give their vote to the Democratic
candidate for president as a way of honoring Nancy and making sure she gets a
vote, because God knows nothing would please her more.
For years, she’s been exactly like my mom and grandma –
someone I could call and talk to over the phone for hours at a time – about the
arts, politics, my experiences at school, the most recent film purchases she
had made. There are very few people in my life who have been so invested and so
interested in everything I do, from the books I wrote as a child, to the plays
in which I performed in high school, to my time at New York University and my
experiences there.
There aren’t many people left on my mom’s side of the
family. She, Nancy and John lost both of their parents many years ago, and now
there’s really just my uncle John and my mom Gretchen left to survive the
original Neff family, and that makes me very sad. I know there’s comfort to be
found in imagining that Nancy, and her mother and father, Jack and Lou Neff –
as well as my father John – are all together up above watching down on us, and
perhaps one day we’ll join them again. But I encourage those of you who knew
her and grew up with her to sift through those old boxes of pictures from the
past, any letters of correspondence you had with her, any articles she wrote, and
display them proudly. Because right now, that’s what we have left of her, our
memories and those pictures, pins, articles, letters, awards – and I believe in
preserving that.
After my dad passed away ten years ago, I assumed that I had
experienced my share of loss – surely the other people who love me will always
be here. The thought that Nancy would someday not be a part of my life had
never crossed my mind. If I had known that I would never see my aunt again, oh,
the things I would have said, the time I would have spent. To quote The Godfather, “There just wasn’t enough
time.” Goodbye, Sis. I love you.